10/30 系統組論文研討:Transformer-Empowered 6G Communication
10/30 系統組論文研討:Transformer-Empowered 6G Communication

國立陽明交通大學 電信工程研究所

系統組 論文研討


演講主題:Transformer-Empowered 6G Communication

主講人:密西西比州立大學 劉俊宏 教授

時間:113年10月30日(星期三) 13:20~15:10

地點:陽明交大光復校區 工程四館219室


Deep learning (DL) is expected to be one of the key technological enablers of the 6G communication system since it can offer a new paradigm for optimizing system designs. The talk will first introduce an emerging DL architecture, the transformer, and discuss its potential applications in 6G communication problems. The transformer’s self-attention mechanism and strong representation capabilities will be addressed, making the transformer suitable for tackling various challenges in 6G network designs. Specifically, the talk will introduce transformer-empowered approaches to channel estimation and coverage problems for a massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system and show their superiority compared to other DL techniques. Finally, the talk will conclude with some open and future research topics for employing transformer-based designs in 6G communication.


Dr. Liu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mississippi State University (MSU). Before joining MSU, he was with University of Michigan and National (Yang Ming) Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, and Qualcomm Inc. He received a B.S. degree from National Taiwan University, an M.S. degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. He received several prestigious awards in research and education, such as Faculty Fellowship Award from Air Force Research Lab. (AFRL) in 2023, the Young Faculty Research Award from MSU in 2022, Young Scholar Research Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan in 2015, Best Paper Awards from IEEE Globecom Conference in 2008 and 2014, etc.