Dr. Lu received the B.S. degree from Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1993, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, in 1999 and 2003, respectively, all in electrical engineering. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at University of Waterloo, ON, Canada, during 2003-2004. In February 2004, he joined the Department of Communications Engineering, National Chung-Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, where he was promoted to Associate Professor in August 2007. Since August 2008, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, where he is currently a Full Professor. His research is in the area of algebraic coding theory and MIMO communication systems. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Dr. Lu is a recipient of several research awards, including the 2006 IEEE Information Society Taipei Chapter and IEEE Communications Society Taipei/Tainan Chapter Best Paper Award for Young Scholars, the 2007 Wu Da You Memorial award from Taiwan National Science Council, the 2007 IEEE Communication Society Asia Pacific Outstanding Young Researchers Award, and the 2008 Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators.
o External Honors 2023 TPC Cochair for 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
o External Honors 2017 TPC Cochair for 2017 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (Nov. 2017)
o External Honors 2012 Top Associate Editor Award from IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies
o Campus Honors 2011 Excellent Instructor of Academia Year 99 (Unit of Extracurricular Activities Guidance)
o External Honors 2008 Award for Publications by Young Scholars (Academia Sinica)
o External Honors 2007 Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researchers Award (IEEE Communications Society)
o External Honors 2007 Memorial Award of Mr. Wu Da You (National Science Council)
o External Honors 2006 Best Young Scholar Paper Award (IEEE Information Theory & IEEE Communication Societies, Taipei/ Tainan Chapter)
Professional Experience
o Professor, Institute of Communications Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. (2010.08 ~ present)
o Associate Professor, Institute of Communications Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. (2008.08 ~ 2010.07)
First Topic:
Near-Optimal Designs of Hybrid Precoding and Combining for Massive MIMO Systems from Lattice Decoding
We proposed near-optimal designs for hybrid massive MIMO communication systems. The designs consist of a pair of finite resolution analog precoder and combiner and a baseband encoder. For any configuration of hybrid MIMO systems, several powerful upper bounds on the maximal achievable rates are derived and are used as guidelines for the proposed designs. Armed with the insights of upper bounds, designing the coefficients for finite resolution analog precoders and combiners is then regarded as a lattice decoding problem, where low complexity lattice decoders and convex solvers are employed to yield optimal solutions with the best structure for partial connection. Simulation results show that the proposed design achieves within a negligible gap to the rate upper bound using phase shifters with low resolution, while reducing the number of required phase shifters by roughly 20% and significantly outperforming many existing designs at the same time.
H. -f. Lu, "Near-Optimal Designs of Hybrid Precoding and Combining for Massive MIMO Systems From Lattice Decoding," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 10521-10533, Aug. 2023. (Link)
Second Topic:
SZFDPC-Based MIMO Downlink Communications with Fairness Considerations
We proposed new power allocation schemes taking both sum-rate and fairness into account for MIMO downlink communications employing successive zero-forcing dirty paper coding. Using a revised L1-norm fairness measure that allows for a more comprehensive consideration when users have an unequal number of receive antennas, we completely characterized the optimal tradeoff between sum-rate and fairness for MIMO downlink communications with arbitrary channel statistics. We also devised a novel stochastic power allocation scheme capable of achieving this optimal tradeoff. To put the optimal tradeoff into practical use, we designed an explicit rule for selecting operating sum-rate from the tradeoff. Simulation results show that the new scheme can yield higher sum-rate and better fairness at the same time.
H. -F. Lu, "Achieving the Sum Rate Capacity of MIMO Downlink Communications With Better Fairness," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 161877-161889, 2021. (Link)
H.-F. Lu, “Remarks on diversity-multiplexing tradeoffs for multiple-access and point-to-point MIMO channels,” in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 858-863, Feb 2012.
H.-F. Lu, C. Hollanti, R. Vehkalahti, and J. Lahtonen, “DMT optimal code constructions for multiple-access MIMO channel,” in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 3594-3617, Jun. 2011.
H.-F. Lu, “Constructions of DMT optimal vector codes for asynchronous cooperative networks using decode-and-forward protocols,” in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 9, no. 7, pp.2392-2400, Jul 2010.
H.-F. Lu and C. Hollanti, “Optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff and code constructions of some constrained asymmetric MIMO systems,” in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 2121-2129, May. 2010
H.-F. Lu, R. Vehkalahti, C. Hollanti, J. Lahtonen, Y. Hong, and E. Viterbo, “New space-time code constructions for two-user multiple access channels,” in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 939-957, Dec. 2009.
C. Hollanti and H.-F. Lu, “Construction methods for asymmetric and multi-block space-time codes,” in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 1086-1103, Mar 2009
M.-C. Chiu and H.-F. Lu, “Accumulate codes based on 1+D convolutional outer codes,” in IEEE Transactions Communications, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 331-334, Feb 2009.
C. Hollanti, J. Lahtonen, and H.-F. Lu, “Maximal orders in the design of dense space-time lattice codes,” in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 54, no. 10, pp. 4493-4510, Oct 2008.
H.-F. Lu, “Constructions of multi-block space-time coding schemes that achieve the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff,” in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 3790-3796, Aug 2008.
Moreno, R. Omrani, P. V. Kumar, and H.-F. Lu, "A generalized bose-chowla family of optical orthogonal codes and distinct difference sets," in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1907-1910, May 2007.
H.-F. Lu and M.-C. Chiu, "Constructions of asymptotically optimal space-frequency codes for MIMO-OFDM systems", in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1676-1688, May 2007.
P. Elia, S. A. Pawar, K. Raj Kumar, P. V. Kumar, and H.-F. Lu, "Explicit construction of space-time block codes achieving the diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff," in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 52, no. 9, Sep 2006.
H.-F. Lu, "On constructions of algebraic space-time codes with AM-PSK constellations satisfying rate-diversity tradeoff," in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 3198-3209, Jul 2006.
H.-F. Lu, "On the conjectures of SU(3) and AB unitary space-time codes," in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 3319-3324, Jul 2006.
H.-F. Lu, "Space-time codes with AM-PSK signalings", in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 4355-4358, Dec. 2005.
H.-F. Lu and P. V. Kumar, "A unified construction of space-time codes with optimal rate-diversity tradeoff," in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 1709-1730, May 2005.
H.-F. Lu, P. V. Kumar, and E.-H. Yang, "On the input-output weight enumerators of product accumulate codes," in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 520-522, Aug 2004.
H.-F. Lu, P. V. Kumar, and H. Chung, "On orthogonal designs and space-time codes," in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 8, no. 4, pp.220-222, Apr 2004.
H.-F. Lu, Y. Wang, P. V. Kumar, and K.-M. Chugg, "Remarks on space-time codes including a new lower bound and an improved code," in IEEE Transactions Information Theory, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 2752 - 2757, Oct 2003.
H.-F. Lu and P. V. Kumar, "On the distance distribution of CDMA multiuser signal set," Proc. IEEE ISIT 2001, Washington D.C., p. 174, June 2001.
H.-F. Lu and P. V. Kumar, "A novel suboptimal CDMA multiuser detector," 38th annual Allerton Conf. on communication, control, and computing, vol. 2, pp. 845-846, Oct. 2000.
H.-F. Lu, “Approximately Universal MIMO Diversity Embedded Codes”, in Proc. 2010 ISITA, Taichung, Taiwan, Oct. 2010.
R. Vehkalahti, C. Hollanti, J. Lahtonen, and H.-F. Lu, “Some Simple Observations on MISO Codes”, in Proc. 2010 ISITA, Taichung, Taiwan, Oct 2010.
C. Hollanti, H.-F. Lu, and R. Vehkalahti, "An Algebraic Tool for Obtaining Conditional Non-Vanishing Determinants," Proc. 2009 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Seoul, Korea, July 2009.
H.-F. Lu, “Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff in MIMO Gaussian interference channels,” in Proc. 2010 IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT 2010), Austin, TX, Jun 2010.
P. Elia, S. A. Pawar, K. Raj Kumar, P. V. Kumar, B. S. Rajan, and H.-F. Lu, "Diversity multiplexing tradeoff analysis of a few algebraic space-time constructions", in Proc. 42nd Annual Allerton Conf., Oct 2004.
R. Vehkalahti and H.-F. Lu, "An algebraic look into MAC-DMT of lattice space-time codes," in Proc. 2011 IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT 2011), Saint Petersburg, Russia, Aug 2011.
T.-W. Tang, M.-K. Chen, and H.-F. Lu, "Improving the DMT Performances of MIMO Linear Receivers, in Proc. 2011 IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT 2011), Saint Petersburg, Russia, Aug. 2011.
C. Hollanti and H.-F. Lu, “Constructing Asymmetric Space-Time Codes with the Smart Puncturing Method,” Proc. 2008 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Toronto, Canada, pp. 1488-1492, July 2008.
H.-F. Lu and C. Hollanti, “On the Construction of DMT-Optimal AST Codes with Transmit Antenna Selection,” Proc. 2008 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Toronto, Canada, pp. 2371-2375, July 2008.
H.-F. Lu, “Constructions of Fully-Diverse High-Rate Space-Frequency Codes for Asynchronous Cooperative Relay Networks,” Proc. 2008 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Toronto, Canada, pp. 832-836, July 2008.
H.-F. Lu, “Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff Optimal Codes for OFDM-Based Asynchronous Cooperative Networks,” Proc. 2008 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Toronto, Canada, pp. 1701-1705, July 2008.
C. Hollanti and H.-F. Lu, ``Normalized Minimum Determinant Calculation for Multi-Block and Asymmetric Space-Time Codes,'' The 17th Int. Conf. on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Computation, and Error Correcting Codes (AAECC-17), Bangalore, India, Dec 2007.
H. -F. Lu, "Optimal Code Constructions for SIMO-OFDM Frequency Selective Fading Channels", Proc. 2007 Information Theory Workshop, pp. 12-16, Bergen, Norway, Jul 2007
M.-C. Chiu and H.-F. Lu, "Algebraic Constructions of Space-Frequency Codes and Their Decoding Algorithms," in Proc. ICC 2007, Glasgow, UK, Jun 2007.
H.-F. Lu, "Constructions of Multi-Block Space-Time Coding Schemes That Achieve The Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff," Proc. IEEE ISIT 2006, Seattle, WA. July 2006
P. Elia, S. A. Pawar, K. Raj Kumar, P. V. Kumar, and H.-F. Lu, "Explicit, Minimum-Delay Space-Time Codes Achieving The Diversity-Multiplexing Gain Tradeoff", Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), pp. 896-900, Adelaide, Australia, 2005
H.-F. Lu, P. Elia, S. A. Pawar, K. Raj Kumar, and P. V. Kumar, "Space-Time Codes Meeting The Diversity-Multiplexing Gain Tradeoff With Low Signalling Complexity", Proc. CISS 2005, Baltimore, MD.
P. Elia, S. A. Pawar, K. Raj Kumar, P. V. Kumar, and H.-F. Lu, "Space-Time Codes Optimal Under the Diversity-Multiplexing Gain Tradeoff", Proc. National Conference on Communications (NCC), Kharagpur, India, 2005
H.-F. Lu and P. V. Kumar, "Generalized unified construction of space-time codes with optimal rate-diversity tradeoff", Proc. 2004 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Chicago, IL., 2004
P. V. Kumar and H.-F. Lu, "A unified construction of space-time codes with optimal rate-diversity tradeoff", 2003 DIMACS Workshop on Algebraic Coding Theory and Information Theory, DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ., 2003
H.-F. Lu and P. V. Kumar, "Constructing optimal space-time codes over various signal constellations", Globecom 2003, vol. 4, pp. 1973-1977, San Francisco. CA.
H.-F. Lu, "Low Complexity Constructions of Multi-Block Space-Time Codes Achieving Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff", Globecom 2007, Washington D. C.
H.-F. Lu, "Binary Linear Network Codes", Proc. 2007 Information Theory Workshop, pp.223-227 Bergen, Norway, 2007
H.-F. Lu, "Space-Time Codes with AM-PSK Signalings", ISCOM2005, Kaohsiung , Taiwan, 2005
H.-F. Lu and M.-C. Chiu, "Constructions of Space-Frequency Codes for MIMO-OFDM Systems", Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory(ISIT), pp. 2085-2089, Adelaide, Australia, 2005
H.-F. Lu, "Generalized Super-Unified Constructions for Space-Time Codes", Proc. ICC'2005, Seoul, Korea, 2005
K. R. Kumar, S. A. Pawar, P. Vijay Kumar, and H.-F. Lu, "Two Generalizations of the Rank-Distance Space-Time Code", Proc. National Conference on Communications (NCC), Kharagpur, India, 2005
H.-F. Lu, "Generalized Super-Unified Constructions for Space-Time Codes", Proc. National Conference On Communications (NCC), Kharagpur, India, 2005
P. V. Kumar and H.-F. Lu, "On the decoding and diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff of a recent multilevel construction of space-time codes", Proc. 2004 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Chicago, IL., 2004
H.-F. Lu and P. V. Kumar, "Optimal construction of space-time block codes over multiple blocks", Proc. 2004 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Chicago, IL., 2004
H.-F. Lu and P. V. Kumar, "A unified construction of space-time codes with optimal rate-diversity tradeoff", Proc. 10th National Conference on Communications (NCC), Bangalore, India, 2004
H.-F. Lu and P. V. Kumar, "Design and performance analysis of space-time codes", Proc. Oberwolfach Coding Meeting, Kodierungstheorie, Germany, 2003
P. Elia and H.-F. Lu, "Packing related bounds on the distance distribution of binary unrestricted codes", Proc. 41th annual Allerton Conf. on communication, control, and computing, 2003
H.-F. Lu and P. V. Kumar, "Algebraic constructions of optimal space-time trellis codes", Globecom 2003, vol.4 pp.1984-1988, San Francisco, CA., 2003
R. Omrani, H.-F. Lu, P. V. Kumar, and O. Moreno, "Construction of LDPC codes from optical orthogonal codes", Proc. 2003 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), p.60, Yokohama, Japan, 2003
Moreno, R. Omrani, P. V. Kumar, and H.-F. Lu, "New constructions for optical orthogonal codes, distinct different sets, and difference triangle sets", Proc. 2003 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), p.327, Yokohama, Japan, 2003
H.-F. Lu and P. V. Kumar, "Rate-diversity tradeoff of space-time codes with fixed alphabet and optimal constructions for PSK modulation", Proc. 2003 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), p.242, Yokohama, Japan, 2003
H.-F. Lu,Y. Wang, P. V. Kumar, and K.-M. Chugg, "On pairwise error probability of space-time codes", Proc. 2002 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, p. 49-52, Bangalore, India, 2002
H.-F. Lu, P. V. Kumar and H. Chung, "On orthogonal designs and space-time codes", Proc. 2002 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Lausanne, Switzerland, p.418, 2002
H.-F. Lu, Y. Wang, P. V. Kumar, and K.-M. Chugg, "On pairwise error probability of space-time codes", Proc. 2002 IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Lausanne, Switzerland, p. 330, 2002
P. V. Kumar, H.-F. Lu, T. Helleseth, and D. J. Smith, "On the large family of low correlation quaternary sequences S(2)", Proc. 2000 IEEE Int. Conf. Personal Wireless Communications, pp. 33-37, 2000
S. Boztas and H. F. Lu, Proc. AAECC-17 (17th Int. Conf. on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Computations, and Error Correcting Codes). LNCS 4851. Springer, Heidelberg 2007.
P. V. kumar, M. Z. Win, H. F. LU, and C. N. Georghiades, ""Chapter 17: Error-Control Coding Techniques and Applications," Optical Fiber Telecommunications IV", 2002
H.-F. Lu and M.-C. Chiu, "Encoding and decoding methods and systems," US Patent 7,774,689, Aug. 10, 2010.
H.-F. Lu, H. Lin and L. Welch, "Galois Field Computation", US Patent 7,668,895, Feb. 23, 2010