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研究 主題:
無線通訊技術, 錯誤更正技術, 消息理論
  • 個人簡歷
    黃昱智(IEEE Senior Member),2013年獲得德州農工大學(TAMU)電機與電腦工程博士學位。2013年至2015年,他於TAMU擔任博士後研究員。他在2015年加入國立台北大學通訊工程系擔任助理教授,並於2018年晉升副教授。黃教授於2020年加入國立陽明交通大學電信所擔任副教授,並自2023年8月起擔任電信所教授。他的研究方向主要為消息理論、編碼理論、無線通訊、機器學習、統計訊號處理等。黃教授曾獲IEEE ITSOC台北支會暨IEEE COMSOC台北/台南支會年輕學者最佳論文獎、2020 科技部年輕學者養成計畫 (哥倫布計畫)、2023 國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎等。

  • 經歷與榮譽


    • 2023 NSTC Wu Ta-You Memorial Award 吳大猷先生紀念獎
    • 2023 NYCU College of ECE 電機與資訊年輕學者卓越貢獻獎
    • 2023 Outstanding Teaching Award, College of ECE, NYCU 111學年度院級傑出教學獎
    • 2024 NSTC 電信學門計畫成果發表會優良研究成果展示
    • 2023 MOST 電信學門計畫成果發表會優良研究成果展示
    • 2022 Excellent Teaching Award, NYCU 110學年度校級優良教學獎
    • 2022 MOST 電信學門計畫成果發表會優良研究成果展示
    • 2021 Exemplary Editor, IEEE Communications Letters
    • 2021 Exemplary Reviewer (top 2%), IEEE Transactionss on Communications
    • 2021 Higher Education Academy (UK) Fellow 英國高等教育學會會士 (國際高教培訓認證)
    • 2021 MOST 電信學門計畫成果發表會優良研究成果展示- 特優獎
    • 2020 MOST Young Scholar Fellowship 科技部年輕學者養成計畫 (哥倫布計畫)
    • 2020 Exemplary Editor, IEEE Communications Letters
    • 2019 National Taipei University Excellent Teaching Award (top 4%) 107 學年度 教學優良教師
    • 2018 Exemplary Reviewer (top 3%), IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
    • 2018 Excellent Research Award, College of EECS, NTPU
    • 2018 IEEE Information Theory Society Taipei Chapter and IEEE Communications Society Taipei/Tainan Chapters Best Paper Award for Young Scholars (IEEE ITSOC台北支會暨IEEE COMSOC台北/台南支會 年輕學者最佳論文獎)
    • 2018 Universities Recruiting Special Outstanding Scholars Award, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C.
    • 2017 Universities Recruiting Special Outstanding Scholars Award, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C.
    • 2016 Universities Recruiting Special Outstanding Scholars Award, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C.
    • 2016 National Taipei University Excellent Teaching Award (top 4%) 105 學年度 教學優良教師
    • 2015 Universities Recruiting Special Outstanding Scholars Award, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C.


    • 教授, 國立陽明交通大學電信所 (2023/08~present)
    • 主任, 國立陽明交通大學電機學院國際化辦公室 (2023/08~present)
    • 副主任, 國立陽明交通大學電機資訊國際學位學程 (2023/08~present)
    • 副教授, 國立陽明交通大學電信所 (2020/02~2023/07)
    • 副教授, 國立臺北大學通訊系 (2018/02~2020/01)
    • 助理教授, 國立臺北大學通訊系 (2015/02~2018/01)
    • 博士後研究員, Texas A&M University, USA (2013/07~2015/01)
    • 實習研究員, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, USA (2012/06~2012/08)
    • 兼任研究助理, Texas A&M University, USA (2009/09~2013/05)
    • 專任研究助理, 國立清華大學 (2007/07~2008/08)

  • 研究主題

    B5G/6G Communications

    本團隊在後5G及6G通訊相關的研究中有諸多涉獵,主要研究方向為:一、非正交多工(non-orthogonal multiple access, NOMA)系統之實體層編碼調變設計。二、替有異質性設備之巨量機械通訊(massive machine-type communication, mMTC)設計新穎的隨機接取(random access)技術。詳細說明如下:

    NOMA為後5G及6G通訊系統的一個重要候選技術,它較現行的OMA系統有更高的頻譜使用效率。但伴隨這些優勢的是它更高的複雜度及解碼延遲。主要原因是傳統NOMA系統都使用了某種形式的連續干擾消除(successive interference cancellation, SIC),這將會大幅度增加接收端解碼複雜度及解碼延遲。在[1-1]-[1-4]這一系列的論文中我們提出了一種新穎的編碼方式。基於在NOMA系統中,干擾訊號源自於其他用戶的資料因此具有強烈的結構性,此方式設計傳送機制巧妙的利用干擾訊號的結構,達到僅需單用戶解碼器即可的設計。理論證明和模擬結果都顯示此種方法可以在不使用SIC的情況下逼近NOMA的理論極限,因此大幅度降低NOMA在實際系統的複雜度。ychuang_2.png

    在[1-5]中我們更進一步探討當有超可靠低延遲通訊(ultra reliable low latency communication, URLLC)與增強型移動寬頻(enhanced mobile broadband, eMBB)應用並存時之NOMA系統。由於兩種應用之延遲及可靠度要求不同,因此我們勢必面對兩個互相干擾的訊號會有碼長不匹配的情況而導致SIC無法運作。我們提出了一種新穎的實體層編碼調變設計並嚴謹的分析其有限碼長下之效能理論極限。我們的分析及模擬結果皆顯示我們提出的方法可在不使用SIC的情況下逼近異質有限碼長下之效能理論極限。
    傳統通訊系統多半是為人與人之間的通訊設計,但在未來如IoT等應用中,機器與機器的通訊將成為主流。在此mMTC傳輸中,傳統先跟基站要通道再做傳輸的方法將會非常沒有效率,無允諾(grant-free)或非協調(uncoordinated)之隨機接取因此變得至關重要。在此前提下,基於迭代碰撞消除ALOHA (iterative collision resolution for slotted ALOHA, IRSA)系統,本團隊於[6]提出了當網路中有異質性設備時,可利用異質性而達到大幅度效能提升的IRSA系統。模擬及理論分析結果顯示當系統中有2種及3種異質性用戶時,此新穎的方法可以獲得超過40%及70%的增益。
     [1-1] S.-L. Shieh and Y.-M. Huang, “A simple scheme for realizing the promised gains of downlink non-orthogonal multiple access,” IEEE Transactions on Commun., vol.64, no. 4, pp.1624-1635, Apr. 2016. (IEEEXplore)
    [1-2] M. Qiu, Y.-M. Huang, S.-L. Shieh, and J. Yuan, “A lattice-partition framework of downlink non-orthogonal multiple access without SIC,” IEEE Transactions on Commun., vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2532-2546, June, 2018. (IEEEXplore)
    [1-3] M. Qiu, Y.-M. Huang, and J. Yuan, “Downlink non-orthogonal multiple access without SIC for block fading channels: An algebraic rotation approach,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Commun., vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 3903-3918, Aug. 2019. (IEEEXplore)
    [1-4] M. Qiu, Y.-M. Huang, J. Yuan, and C.-L. Wang, “Lattice-partition-based downlink non-orthogonal multiple access without SIC for slow fading channels,” IEEE Transactions on Commun., vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 1166-1181, Feb. 2019. (IEEEXplore)
    [1-5] M. Qiu, Y.-M. Huang, and J. Yuan, “Downlink transmission with heterogeneous URLLC services: Discrete signaling with single-user decoding,” IEEE J. on Sel. Areas in Commun., accepted, 2023. (IEEEXplore)
    [6] Y.-M. Huang, S.-L. Shieh, Y.-P. Hsu, and H.-P. Cheng, “Iterative collision resolution for slotted ALOHA with NOMA for heterogeneous devices,” IEEE Transactions on Commun., vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 2948-2961, May 2021. (IEEEXplore)

    Lattice Algebra

    點陣(lattice)又稱晶格,為一種特殊的代數結構,在代數學及幾何學領域已被研究數百年且在許多領域都有諸多應用。在電信領域中,建構在點陣之上的點陣碼(lattice codes)也有許多應用。如早年的trellis coded modulation到較近期的多樣性編碼(diversity coding)及空時碼(space-time codes)都處處可見點陣碼的具體應用。傳統點陣碼建構法可以被區分成兩種方式:其一是先建構大維度線性碼於質數場再經由Construction A將此線性碼擴充成大維度點陣碼。此種建構方式利用了大維度線性碼的優勢有效率的達到編碼增益,研究已經證實此建構法可以建構出達到通道理論極限(如Shannon limit及Poltyrev limit)的最佳點陣碼。第二類則為在一個代數整環(ring of algebraic integers)中尋找適當之理想(ideal)再將其嵌入至歐式空間。此建構法多根據通道特性選取具有適當代數結構的代數整環並建構點陣碼在此環上,使其具備預期之代數特性。如多樣性編碼大多由此方法建構小維度之高多樣性增益點陣。本團隊研究大多著重於針對新穎的應用環境,利用點陣碼特殊的代數結構建構出可證明其最佳性且易於實現的最佳編碼。以下所列皆環繞著此主題進行研究,以下將針對每篇成果進行描述:


    在[2-1]中,本團隊對上述第一類建構法的缺點提出了解決的方法。本團隊發現此建構法依賴了整數環與質數場(prime field)之間的環同態(ring homomorphism),而為了實現環同態並建構最佳點陣碼,以往的研究都使用Construction A建構法將點陣碼建構在很大的質數場。此舉不可避免地大幅度增加編碼及解碼的複雜度。本團隊因此提出一種創新的點陣碼建構法,稱為Construction πA。此建構法巧妙的利用中國餘式定理,建構出可以用極低複雜度編碼及解碼的點陣碼。此論文更進一步地嚴謹的證明了用此方法建構出的點陣碼可達到最佳編碼增益的Poltyrev limit。此點陣建構法觀念相當新穎,在其會議版本於2014年發表後已經有許多國際知名學者利用此點陣的觀念為其他應用設計編碼方式,替點陣這個已經數百年的研究領域注入許久未見活水。
    在[2-2]中,本團隊突破以往的框架,提出了統一上述兩種方式的點陣建構法,成功地建構出同時具備大維度及小維度特性的最佳點陣碼。此建構方式完美的統一了過去壁壘分明的兩種建構方式,替未來的研究者提供了一種新穎的建構點陣碼的方式。經由此方法,設計者可以根據問題所需要的代數結構,選取適當的代數整環(ring of algebraic integers),再用[2-2]中所提供的建構法在此代數整環下建構大維度點陣碼。如此就可以建構出同時具備所需之代數結構及編碼增益之點陣碼。以運算前送(compute and forward)之應用舉例,運算前送為無線中繼網路(wireless relay network)中,一種利用點陣碼特殊結構的新穎且效能優異的前送技術。要實現此技術,點陣碼必須具備能有效率地解碼數個訊息的線性組合,而環同態就是可達到此效果的代數結構。然而使用傳統方法建構出的點陣碼只具備與整數環之間的環同態,因此在運算前送中只能運許運算點陣碼字的整數倍線性組合。在[2-2]中,本團隊利用此篇所提之新穎的建構法建構大維度點陣碼於虛數二皆整數環(imaginary quadratic integers)上,並證明此點陣碼可達到最佳編碼增益及型塑增益,使其在運算前送中可以解碼出更多可能的線性組合,而達到進一步將運算前送的效能提升。
    論文[2-3]提出了在廣播通道中有接收端旁訊息時的新穎的最佳編碼設計。利用點陣特殊的代數結構建構出無論是在任何旁訊息情況下,都可達到最佳旁訊息增益及多樣性增益的點陣索引碼。此類環境可見於衛星通訊之重傳、無線中繼網路、有LTE旁連結時的通訊等。這類的環境也可能出現在近年相當熱門的無線快取(wireless caching)技術中,當接收端都已經有部分訊息暫存於快取記憶體中時的傳播環境。為了建構此最佳點陣索引碼,本團隊首先用代數整數環建構多樣性編碼,再巧妙地使用的中國餘式定理劃分代數整數環以達到無論在何種旁訊息情況皆可提供最佳旁訊息增益。雖然與[2-1]同樣都使用了中國餘式定理,但此兩篇論文所探討的問題完全不同,所建構出來的點陣碼也大相逕庭。如[2-3]中引入了一個代數數論中的特性,那就是在代數整數環中,兩個質數理想(prime ideal)互質不代表所對應的整數必須互質。因此,我們可以用中國餘式定理將一理想劃分為多個彼此互質的理想建構點陣索引碼,但每個訊息可以在同一個質數場。[2-3]更進一步地利用Hilbert class filed theory建構無限延伸的Hilbert class field tower突破以往點陣索引碼中訊息必須在不同質數場的限制,讓我們可以建構出所有的訊息都在同一個質數場的點陣索引碼,因此更易被實現。
    在[2-4]中,本團隊接續[2-3]的工作,嘗試建構在多天線系統中可提供最佳旁訊息增益的完美空時索引區塊碼。然而完美空時區塊碼(perfect space-time block codes)都是建構於循環除法代數(cyclic division algebra),並非如[2-3]建構在代數整數環的建構法可以處理。與代數整數環不同的是,循環除法代數不符合交換率,因此無法經由中國餘式定理劃分。這大大增加了建構的難度。本團隊利用循環除法代數本身的階層性質,提出一種創新的劃分法,將循環除法代數分層劃分處理而建構出新穎的完美時空索引區塊碼。此想法極富創新性,過去利用循環除法代數的文獻中從未見過對循環除法代數逐層處理。基於此新穎的點陣建構法之代數特性,本團隊更進一步證明了此完美時空區塊索引碼可以在多天線系統中對任意的旁訊息都可達到最佳的多樣性增益及旁訊息增益。
    [2-1] Y.-M. Huang and K. R. Narayanan, “Construction πA and πD lattices: Construction, goodness, and decoding algorithms,” IEEE Transactionss on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 5718-5733, Sep. 2017. (IEEEXplore)
    [2-2] Y.-M. Huang, K. R. Narayanan, and P.-C. Wang, “Lattices over algebraic integers with an application to compute-and-forward,” IEEE Transactionss on Information Theory, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 6863-6877, Oct. 2018. (IEEEXplore)
    [2-3] Y.-M. Huang, “Lattice index codes from algebraic number fields,” IEEE Transactionss on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 2098-2112, Apr. 2017. (IEEEXplore)
    [2-4] Y.-M. Huang, Y. Hong, E. Viterbo, and L. Natarajan, “Layered space-time index coding,” IEEE Transactionss on Information Theory, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 142-158, Jan. 2019. (IEEEXplore)


  • 期刊論文
    • Aamer Mohamed Huroon, Yu-Chih Huang, and Li-Chun Wang, “UAV-RIS assisted multiuser communications through transmission strategy optimization: GBD application,” IEEE Trans. on Veh. Technol., accepted, 2024. (IEEEXplore)

    • Jia-An Lin, Yu-Chih Huang, Ming-Chun Lee, and Po-Ning Chen, “Coded distributed multiplication for matrices of different sparsity levels,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 633-647, 2024. (IEEEXplore)

    • Kuan-Yu Lin, Yu-Chih Huang, and Yu-Pin Hsu, “Scheduling for periodic multi-source systems with peak-age violation guarantees,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 71, no. 12, pp. 7102-7116, Dec. 2023. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • Wei-Cheng Huang, Yu-Chih Huang, Kuan-Yu Lin, Shin-Lin Shieh, and Po-Ning Chen, “Distributed scheduling for status update with heterogeneous services under the IRSA protocol,” IEEE Trans. on Veh. Technol., vol. 72, no. 11, pp. 14468-14481, Nov. 2023. (IEEEXplore)

    • Min-Xiang Hsu, Yu-Chih Huang, Wen-Hsuan Li, Che-Fu Chu, and Pin-Jui Wu, “An efficient algorithm and quantization for fully distributed sequential change detection,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 71, no. 10, pp. 6088-6099, Oct. 2023. (IEEEXplore)
    • Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang,  and Jinhong Yuan, “Downlink transmission with heterogeneous URLLC services: Discrete signaling with single-user decoding,” IEEE J. on Sel. Areas in Commun., vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 2261-2277, July 2023. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • Hoang Dau, Ryan Gabrys, Yu-Chih Huang, Chen Feng, et al., “Transition waste optimization for coded elastic computing,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 69, no. 7, pp. 4442-4465, July 2023. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • Pin-Wen Su, Yu-Chih Huang, Shih-Chun Lin, I-Hsiang Wang, and Chih-Chun Wang, “Random linear streaming codes in the finite memory length and decoding deadline regime—part I: Exact analysis,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 68, no. 10, pp.  6356-6387, Oct. 2022. (IEEEXplore)

    • I-Hsiang Wang, Yu-Chih Huang,  and Shih-Chun Lin, “Universal feedback gain for modulo-sum computation over the erasure MAC,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 68, no. 4, pp.  2365-2383, Apr. 2022. (IEEEXplore)

    • Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang,  and Jinhong Yuan, “Discrete signaling and treating interference as noise for the Gaussian interference channel,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 7253-7284, Nov. 2021. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • Shin-Lin Shieh, Yu-Chih Huang,  Po-Ning Chen, and Yu-Ming Li, “Systematic polar coded modulation for informed receivers,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 6469-6484, Oct. 2021. (IEEEXplore)

    • Yu-Chih Huang, Yu-Jui Huang, and Shih-Chun Lin, “Asymptotic optimality in Byzantine distributed quickest change detection,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 5942-5962, Sep. 2021. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • Yu-Chih Huang, Shin-Lin Shieh, Yu-Pin Hsu, and Hao-Ping Cheng,  “Iterative collision resolution for slotted ALOHA with NOMA for heterogeneous devices,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 2948-2961, May 2021. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • Sheng-Jie Wang, Po-Ning Chen, Shin-Lin Shieh, and Yu-Chih Huang, “Lagrange multiplier optimization of the probabilistic caching policy in the noise-limited network,” IEEE Trans. on Veh. Technol., vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 2684-2698, Mar. 2021. (IEEEXplore)

    • Chien-Ying Lin, Yu-Chih Huang, Shin-Lin Shieh, and Po-Ning Chen, “Transformation of binary linear block codes to polar codes with dynamic frozen,” IEEE OJ-COMS, vol. 1, 2020. (IEEEXplore)

    • Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang,  and Jinhong Yuan, “Downlink non-orthogonal multiple access without SIC for block fading channels: An algebraic rotation approach,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 3903-3918, Aug. 2019. (IEEEXplore)

    • Dong Fang, Yu-Chih Huang, Giovanni Geraci, Zhiguo Ding, and Holger Claussen, “Enhanced multiuser superposition transmission through structured modulation,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 2765-2776, May 2019. (IEEEXplore

    • Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang, Jinhong Yuan, and Chin-Liang Wang, “Lattice-partition-based downlink non-orthogonal multiple access without SIC for slow fading channels,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 1166-1181, Feb. 2019.  (IEEEXplore)

    • Yu-Chih Huang, Yi Hong, Emanuele Viterbo, and Lakshmi Natarajan, “Layered space-time index coding,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 142-158, Jan. 2019. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • Yu-Chih Huang, Krishna R. Narayanan, and Ping-Chung Wang, “Lattices over algebraic integers with an application to compute-and-forward,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 6863-6877, Oct. 2018. (Old title: Adaptive compute-and-forward with lattice codes over algebraic integers) (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • Yu-Chih Huang and Shin-Lin Shieh, “Polar codes for informed receivers,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 2000-2003, Oct. 2018. (IEEEXplore)

    • Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang, Shin-Lin Shieh, and Jinhong Yuan, “A lattice-partition framework of downlink non-orthogonal multiple access without SIC,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2532-2546, June, 2018. (IEEEXplore)

    • Yu-Chih Huang and Krishna R. Narayanan, “Construction $pi_A$ and $pi_D$ lattices: Construction, goodness, and decoding algorithms,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 5718-5733, Sep. 2017. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • Yu-Chih Huang, “Lattice index codes from algebraic number fields,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 2098-2112, Apr. 2017. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • Shin-Lin Shieh, Chia-Hung Lin, Yu-Chih Huang, and Chin-Liang Wang, “On Gray labeling for downlink non-orthogonal multiple access without SIC,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 1721-1724, Sep. 2016. (IEEEXplore)

    • Shin-Lin Shieh and Yu-Chih Huang, “A simple scheme for realizing the promised gains of downlink non-orthogonal multiple access,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol.64, no. 4, pp.1624-1635, Apr. 2016. (IEEEXplore)

    • Ying Wang, Krishna R. Narayanan, and Yu-Chih Huang, “Interleaved concatenations of polar codes with BCH and convolutional codes,” IEEE J. on Sel. Areas in Commun., vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 267-277, Feb. 2016. (IEEEXplore)

    • Yu-Chih Huang, Krishna R. Narayanan, and Tie Liu, “Coding for parallel Gaussian bi-directional relay channels: A deterministic approach,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 260-271, Jan. 2016. (IEEEXplore)

    • Yu-Chih Huang, Urs Niesen, and Piyush Gupta, “Energy-efficient communication in the presence of synchronization errors,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 61, no. 11, pp. 6131-6144, Nov. 2015. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • N. Engin Tunali, Yu-Chih Huang, Joseph J. Boutros, and Krishna R. Narayanan,  “Lattices over Eisenstein integers for compute-and-forward,” IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 61, no. 10, pp. 5306-5321, Oct. 2015. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore)

    • Ping-Chung Wang, Yu-Chih Huang, and Krishna R. Narayanan, “Asynchronous physical-layer network coding with quasi-cyclic codes,” IEEE J. on Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 33, no. 2, Feb. 2015. (arXiv) (IEEEXplore

    • Yu-Chih Huang, N. Engin Tunali, and Krishna R. Narayanan, “A compute-and-forward scheme for Gaussian bi-directional relaying with inter-symbol interference,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1011-1019, Mar. 2013. (IEEEXplore)

    • Yu-Chih Huang and Krishna R. Narayanan, “Joint source-channel coding with correlated interference,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 1315-1327, May 2012. (IEEEXplore)

    • Chin-Liang Wang and Yu-Chih Huang, “Intercarrier interference cancellation using general phase rotated conjugate transmission for OFDM systems,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 812-819, Mar. 2010. (IEEEXplore)

  • 會議論文
    1. Chin-Tang Huang, Yu-Chih Huang, Shin-Lin Shieh, and Po-Ning Chen, "Novel Prony-based channel prediction methods for time-varying massive MIMO channels," IEEE VTC spring, 2024.

    2. Aamer Mohamed Huroon, Yu-Chih Huang, and Li-Chun Wang, “Optimized transmission strategy for UAV-RIS 2.0 assisted communications using rate splitting multiple access,”  IEEE VTC-fall, 2023.

    3. Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang, and Jinhong Yuan, “Coexistence of heterogeneous services in the uplink with discrete signaling and treating interference as noise,”  IEEE Globecom, 2023.

    4. Quang Cao, Hong Yen Tran, Song Hoang Dau, Xun Yi, Emanuele Viterbo, Chen Feng, Yu-Chih Huang, Jingge Zhu, Stanislav Kruglik, and Han Mao Kiah, “Committed private information retrieval,” ESORICS, 2023. 

    5. Wen-Hsuan Li and Yu-Chih Huang, “Bandwidth-constrained distributed quickest change detection in heterogeneous sensor networks: Anonymous vs non-anonymous settings,”  IEEE ISIT, 2023.

    6. Pin-Wen Su, Yu-Chih Huang, Shih-Chun Lin, I-Hsiang Wang, and Chih-Chun Wang,  “Detailed asymptotics of the delay-reliability tradeoff of random linear streaming codes,”  IEEE ISIT, 2023.

    7. Yu-Jui Huang, Shih-Chun Lin, Yu-Chih Huang, Guan-Huei Lyu, Hsin-Hua Shen, and W.-Y Sabrina Lin,  “On characterizing optimal Wasserstein GAN solutions for non-Gaussian data,”  IEEE ISIT, 2023.

    8. Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang, and Jinhong Yuan, “Downlink transmission under heterogeneous blocklength constraints: Discrete signaling with single-user decoding,”  IEEE ICC, 2023.

    9. Pin-Wen Su, Yu-Chih Huang, Shih-Chun Lin, I-Hsiang Wang, and Chih-Chun Wang, “Sequentially mixing randomly arriving packets improves channel dispersion over block-based designs,”  IEEE ISIT, 2022.

    10. Zhong-Jing Chen, Eduin E. Hernandez, Yu-Chih Huang, and Stefano Rini, “DNN gradient lossless compression: Can GenNorm be the answer?”  IEEE ICC, 2022 (arXiv)  

    11. Amir Sonee, Stefano Rini, and Yu-Chih Huang, “Wireless federated learning with limited communication and differential privacy,” IEEE Globecom, 2021. (arXiv)

    12. Pin-Wen Su, Yu-Chih Huang, Shih-Chun Lin, I-Hsiang Wang, and Chih-Chun Wang, “Random linear streaming codes in the finite memory length and decoding deadline regime,”  IEEE ISIT, 2021.

    13. Shih-Chun Lin, Chih-Chun Wang, I-Hsiang Wang, Yu-Chih Huang, and Yi-Chun Lai, “On finite-length analysis and channel dispersion for broadcast packet erasure channels with feedback,”  IEEE ISIT, 2021.

    14. Ang-Yang Lin, Po-Ning Chen, Shin-Lin Shieh, and Yu-Chih Huang, “Generalized Likelihood-Ratio Enabled Machine Learning for UE Detection over Grant-free SCMA,” IEEE Globecom, 2020. 

    15. Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang, and Jinhong Yuan, “On discrete signaling and treating interference as noise for complex Gaussian interference channels,”  IEEE ISIT, 2020.

    16. Pin-Wen Su, Yu-Chih Huang, Shih-Chun Lin, I-Hsiang Wang, and Chih-Chun Wang, “Error rate analysis for random linear streaming codes in the finite memory length regime,”  IEEE ISIT, 2020.

    17. Hoang Dau, Ryan Gabrys, Yu-Chih Huang, Chen Feng, et al., “Optimizing the transition waste in coded elastic computing,”  IEEE ISIT, 2020.

    18. Yu-Pin Hsu, Yu-Chih Huang, and Shin-Lin  Shieh, “Scheduling Stochastic Real-Time Jobs in Unreliable Workers,” IEEE WCNC, 2020.

    19. Che-Fu Chu, Pin-Jui Wu, and Yu-Chih Huang, “An efficient algorithm for fully distributed sequential change detection with bandwidth constraints,” IEEE Globecom, 2019. 

    20. Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang, and Jinhong Yuan, “Multiuser MISO broadcast channel with imperfect CSI: Discrete signalling without SIC,” IEEE Globecom, 2019. 

    21. Yu-Chih Huang, Shih-Chun Lin, and Yu-Jui Huang, “A tight converse to the asymptotic performance of Byzantine distributed sequential change detection,” IEEE ISIT, 2019. 

    22. Yu-Jui Huang, Shih-Chun Lin, and Yu-Chih Huang, “On Byzantine distributed sequential change detection with multiple hypotheses,” IEEE ISIT, 2019. 

    23. Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang, and Jinhong Yuan, “Downlink NOMA without SIC for fast fading channels: Lattice partitions with algebraic rotations,” IEEE ICC, 2019.

    24. Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang, Jinhong Yuan, and Chin-Liang Wang, “Downlink lattice-partition-based non-orthogonal multiple access without SIC for slow fading channels,” IEEE Globecom 2018.

    25. Yu-Pin Hsu, Jeng-Shiun Ho, Yu-Chih Huang, and Shin-Lin Shieh, "Delay-optimal scheduling for heterogeneous users in NOMA networks," IEEE VTC fall, 2018.

    26. Yu-Chih Huang, Yi Hong, Emanuele Viterbo, and Lakshmi Natarajan, “Layered space-time index coding,” IEEE ISIT, 2018.

    27. Min Qiu, Yu-Chih Huang, Shin-Lin Shieh, and Jinhong Yuan, “A Lattice-Partition Framework of Downlink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access without SIC,” IEEE Globecom, 2017.

    28. I-Hsiang Wang, Yu-Chih Huang, and Shih-Chun Lin, “Role of feedback in modulo-sum computation over K-user erasure multiple-access channels,” IEEE ITW, 2017.

    29. Renming Qi, Chen Feng, and Yu-Chih Huang, “A simpler proof for the existence of capacity-achieving nested lattice codes,” IEEE ITW, 2017.

    30. Yu-Chih Huang, Yi Hong, and Emanuele Viterbo, “Golden-coded index coding,” IEEE ISIT, 2017. (arXiv)

    31. I-Hsiang Wang, Shih-Chun Lin, and Yu-Chih Huang, “Role of feedback in modulo-sum computation over erasure multiple-access channels,” IEEE ISIT, 2017. 

    32. Dong Fang, Yu-Chih Huang, Zhiguo Ding, Giovanni Geraci, Shin-Lin Shieh, and Holger Claussen, “Lattice partition multiple access: A new method of downlink non-orthogonal multiuser transmissions,” IEEE Globecom, 2016. (arXiv)

    33. Ping-Chung Wang, Yu-Chih Huang, Krishna R. Narayanan, and Joseph J. Boutros, "Physical-layer network-coding over block fading channels with root-LDA lattice codes," IEEE ICC, 2016. 

    34. Chih-Hua Chang, Ronald Y. Chang, and Yu-Chih Huang, "A comparative analysis of secrecy rates of wireless two-way relay systems," IEEE Globecom, 2015.

    35. Yu-Chih Huang, “Lattice index codes from algebraic number fields,” IEEE ISIT, 2015.

    36. Yu-Chih Huang, Krishna R. Narayanan, and Ping-Chung Wang, “Adaptive compute-and-forward with lattice codes over algebraic integers,” IEEE ISIT, 2015.

    37. Shuo Li, Yu-Chih Huang, Tie Liu, and Henry D. Pfister, “On the limits of treating interference as noise for two-user symmetric Gaussian interference channel,” IEEE ISIT, 2015.

    38. Yu-Chih Huang and Krishna R. Narayanan, “On decoding algorithms for Construction $pi_A$ lattices,” ICT, 2015. (Invited)

    39. Joseph J. Boutros, Nicola di Pietro, and Yu-Chih Huang, “Spectral thinning in GLD lattices,” ITA Workshop, 2015. (Invited)  (slides made by Joseph)

    40. Ping-Chung Wang, Yu-Chih Huang, and Krishna R. Narayanan, “Asynchronous compute-and-forward/integer-forcing with quasi-cyclic codes,” IEEE Globecom, 2014.

    41. Yu-Chih Huang and Krishna R. Narayanan, “Lattices from codes for harnessing interference: An overview and generalizations,” IEEE ITW, 2014. (Invited) (arXiv)

    42. Yu-Chih Huang and Krishna R. Narayanan, “Multistage compute-and-forward with multilevel lattice codes based on product constructions,” IEEE ISIT, 2014.

    43. Avinash Vem, Yu-Chih Huang, Krishna R. Narayanan, and Henry D. Pfister, “Multilevel lattices based on spatially-coupled LDPC codes with applications,” IEEE ISIT, 2014.

    44. Yu-Chih Huang and Krishna R. Narayanan, “Lattice codes based on product constructions over $mathbb{F}_{q^2}$ with applications to compute-and-forward,” IEEE ITW, 2013.

    45. Yu-Chih Huang, Urs Niesen, and Piyush Gupta, “Energy-efficient communication in the presence of synchronization errors,” IEEE ISIT, 2013.

    46. Nihat E. Tunali, Krishna R. Narayanan, Joseph J. Butros, and Yu-Chih Huang, “Lattices over Eisenstein integers for compute-and-forward,” Allerton Conference, 2012.

    47. Yu-Chih Huang, Nihat E. Tunali, and Krishna R. Narayanan, “On the exchange rate for bi-directional relaying over inter-symbol interference channels,” IEEE Globecom, 2011.

    48. Yu-Chih Huang, Krishna R. Narayanan, and Tie Liu, “Coding for parallel Gaussian bi-directional relay channels: A deterministic approach,” Allerton Conference, 2011.

    49. Yu-Chih Huang and Krishna R. Narayanan, “Joint source-channel coding with correlated interference,” IEEE ISIT, 2011.

    50. Chin-Liang Wang, Yan-Wun Huang, and Yu-Chih Huang, “An energy-efficient cooperative SIMO transmission scheme for wireless sensor networks,” IEEE ICC, 2009.

    51. Chin-Liang Wang and Yu-Chih Huang, “Intercarrier interference cancellation using general phase rotated conjugate transmission for OFDM systems,” IEEE WCNC, 2008.

    52. Chin-Liang Wang, Yu-Chih Huang, and Po-Chung Shen, “An intercarrier interference suppression technique using time-domain windowing for OFDM systems,” IEEE VTC, 2006.

  • 專書章節
    • Y. Wang, Y.-M. Huang, Alister G. Burr, and K. R. Narayanan,  “Multilevel Lattices for Compute-and-Forward and Lattice Network Coding,” in Number Theory Meets Wireless Communications, Editors: Victor Beresnevich, Alister Burr, Bobak Nazer, and Sanju Velani, Publisher: Springer, 2020.

  • 專  利
    • S.-L. Shieh and Y.-M. Huang, “Method and transmitter for non-orthogonal multiple access communication system” US patent #10,630,455, Apr., 2020
    • U. Niesen, P. Gupta, and Y.-M. Huang, “Joint synchronization and modulation scheme for energy-efficient communication,” US patent #9,048,935, June, 2015