Po-Lung Tien (M’16) received the B.S. degree in applied mathematics, the M.S. degree in computer and information science, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science and information engineering from National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1992, 1995, and 2000, respectively.,He was with the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NCTU from 2001 to 2005, where he was a Research Assistance Professor. In 2005 he joined NCTU, where he is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering. He has served on the Technical Program Committee of many international conferences, including the IEEE Globecom, the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, and the IEEE High Performance Switching and Routing. He holds 15 patents in the field of optical and wireless networking, and has authored over 50 publications and a book chapter. His current research interests include neural networks, machine learning, parallel computing, network optimization, data center networking, and heterogeneous wireless networking.